Saturday, January 8, 2022

The Logistics of Transporting Shadows ~ Saturday, January 8, 2022

Either a problem is insoluble,

indissoluble as ducks in water

that float and fly away, or like friendship

holding onto the past that slips away

energetically under the current,

rivers flow backwards to forwards in time

as the sludge of memory dredges muck.

Proceed with caution to a solution,

reality check at the door, ego

or self-serving nature, welcome spirit,

brothers and sisters all on the same page

letting the anger loose, get mad with pride,

engage with stupidity with reserve,

mention the error of our ways and lose.

Is it just me or are there strange forces

shimmering like gemstones on old armor?

Invent a new way to experiment,

needless bickering and elephant talk

solves nothing for a steam locomotive

on its way with a payload, the future

lightning fast as a bullet train, high-speed

undercurrents of electricity

bursting across empty stretches, regions

lost to urban sprawl and suburban dreams,

elegant as a geometric proof.

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