Saturday, April 28, 2018

Nineteen ~ Saturday, 28 April 2018

What's the most difficult
thing you've done in this life?

I've screwed in a light bulb
with nineteen physicists.

Why did you need nineteen
physicists to help screw
in a single light bulb?

Because the janitor
left town for the weekend
and the only person
in the conference room
who knew where the extra
light bulbs were kept was me.

But why did you need help
from nineteen physicists?

I didn't. They observed
while I performed the task
and smiled with approval.

Why did they smile at you?

I don't know. But I think
it was an inside joke.

The most difficult thing
you've ever done in life
was this one single act?

Just how embarrassing
would it be if I failed?

Oh now I get the joke.

What is it? Tell me please.

All actions are futile
in the grand scheme of things.
If absurdity reigns
then all acts are pointless.

We were at a physics
not a philosophy
conference in the dark
so to speak so someone
had to get a ladder
a package of light bulbs
and screw in a spare bulb
while the physicists watched.

If you were in the dark
how could they watch you work?
How could you see them smile?

As you could guess that came
later after I screwed
in the light bulb. They smiled.
They're an intuitive
group who wait patiently.

What was the conference
about? Time and Distance?

The conference was called:
"How many physicists
does it take to screw in
a light bulb in the dark?"

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