Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Tu ne sais rien de mort ~ mercredi, 11 avril 2018

To stop chasing his tail
he sat down on the ground
like a beggar to prey

Upon demons in dreams
as they enter his ears
to listen to his thoughts

No one who sees him knows
why he sits on the ground
the noise inside his head

Earworms tickle the keys
of a grand piano
he used to play the grey

Skies dark with tears weep not
for the man on the ground
his concert days over

As he sits quietly
minding his own business
people who pass toss coins

Inside an old top hat
he sets down on the ground
beside his crossed legs

Silver quarters and dimes
tickle his ears funny
shimmering as he squats

Right down to fight demons
to skirmish on the ground
the dust rises like bread

Inside his mind he smells
memories of years past
waking up before dawn

Eager to buy a loaf
of dark rye on the ground
he blows on the shofar

Notable for its sound
to announce the morning
light the search for his loins

Despite sitting alone
silently on the ground
the man never once begs

Earnest to make his peace
with mistakes and his lot
in life the man takes care

Mentally to keep still
in public on the ground
never to shed a tear

Only he knows the looks
he gets from the people
who pass by women fawn

Reeling over his beard
spinning tops on the ground
wound round his finger bear

Torment in their own hearts
they reflect on stillness
on solitude and fear

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