Sirens along State Street
no one seems to notice
with headphones in their ears
If anybody cares
it would be a wonder
as pedestrians cross
Right as the ambulance
needs to pass the crosswalk
people don't consider
Even the remote chance
someone they know needs help
as the vehicle veers
Nearly hitting someone
else oblivious eyes
stare at the noise maker
Surprised they almost died
but then back to business
as usual to walk
As if asleep in dreams
on Jackson Boulevard
heading west for coffee
Little do they notice
or care until they wake
they couldn't give a toss
Only if the sirens
sang like mermaids to call
sailors to come hither
Nobody would believe
their eyes or ears tripping
on acid like hippies
Going nowhere fast seems
the pace here up for grabs
are there any takers
Shift gears with manual
transmission but most are
automatic all talk
Trip the light fantastic
along sidewalks mindless
ballroom dancers carefree
As fire engines blow horns
police cars blow through lights
green yellow red matters
To no one as they pass
just another long day
in busy Chicago
Even if mermaids came
on floats for the parade
only the drunk yuppies
Suburban dwellers found
on holiday weekends
to watch their guts splatter
Tragically in a splash
they crawl to the next pub
watch the green river glow
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