Thursday, April 5, 2018

Seppuku ~ Thursday, 5 April 2018

This pain in my guts is
visceral a severe
punishment for mistakes

How many have I made
if I eat broccoli
I die a thousand deaths

It takes a day or two
before I'm on the throne
doubled over the shits

Stick knives inside my bowels
cut me up in pieces
laugh as my belly aches

People don't want to know
this problem I suffer
unlike motion sickness

Another malady
I suffered as a child
less so as an adult

In a parallel world
there lives another me
happy to be alive

Never less than grateful
no matter if asthma
lessens each of my breaths

In this world poetry
eats me from the inside
tears me up into bits

Never do I suffer
more than when my body
becomes other to mind

Mind over matter say
wise teachers of past lifes
unbearable lightness

YHVH or Adonai
two of the many names
used to describe the cult

Germane to germinate
from Genesis to Ruth
among these scrolls books thrive

Until my final days
at the bookstore the stress
did not destroy my guts

Terrible as it sounds
one boss showed her contempt
she thought I told her lies

So I could call in sick
take time off with paid leave
easy to scam the blind

If colonoscopy
reports account for truth
only the devil struts

So openly swaggers
without many backers
while a man in pain cries

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