Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Villanesque ~ Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Ancient twisted karma since beginningless time
Nothing else arises to take its place two hands
Crumple a sheet of blank white paper for each crime

Is its own private hell but the first remains prime
Even as each grain slides along the glass the sands
Never lose their tempo since beginningless time

Tumble down the hourglass to the bottom a dime
Takes no time to drop down the coin slot if it lands
Wistfully on its side write down years for each crime

If I can't remember exactly the bells chime
Simply to make me think about how many strands
Twisted into a braid since beginningless time

Even her pony tail blackened with grease and grime
Describes little but fate tossed in a pot she stands
Kissed by karma actions up to date for each crime

Actions without desire fire silent as a mime
Repentance for mistakes made cover foreign lands
Mistakes happen ever since beginningless time
Ancient twisted karma limitless for each crime

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