As Mumble Bunny grew older the tauntings grew
Still greater though he kept a cool head collected
He knew one day the kids would simply disappear
As adults they would act differently as they would
Pretend to act grown-up though some would act dull
Pretend to never grow older never act smart
Yes they were stuck as kids with mean hateful ideas
After Mumble Bunny graduated from school
Simple-minded people mattered little to him
Ask him what matters most and he utters nothing
Cancels the clutter words create his clear conscience
Leaves others completely speechless lost in silence
As happy as a clam at high tide he knew words
Make for good arguments he had no need to pay
Attention to futile language games in this life
Transcend the bullying they taught him in childhood
Humans appear unkind at times even bitter
In their calculated cruelty but kindness
Generosity takes super-human effort
However much certain people can make it look
Terribly effortless as if they were born free
In heart mind and spirit to act just as they choose
Despite the world showing no concern for creatures
Elegant in control of their darker passions