Monday, June 18, 2018

Dance ~ Monday, 18 June 2018

In the prison-house of language these words
Necessary to speak must be spoken

That space is limited by what we own
However little the state alllows us
Even that can be taken away time

Presents itself in linear fashion
Really all events occur all at once
In one moment one point a flash takes place
Similar to lightning but faster than
Ontological time as elapsed sense
Noted as perception faster than light

How I will fuck you up with just these words
Only to make you watch as your family
Under my roof the blue sky skull of God
Shall I rape your wife torture your children
Endlessly while you sit helplessly see

Only the straight edge of the razor blade
Form a parabola around the neck

Leaving each member of your family
Asking God why what they had done to deserve
Naughty Cossacks dancing on the corpses
Gleefully jumping higher to crush bones
Ugly thugs from the streets of Almaty
Almighty their joy to destroy to harm
Gauges the rage I feel after you step
Ever so lightly on my toes we pass

The horizon where goodness and evil
However meaningful in our own world
End in a rapturous moment of pure
Senseless violence where I stuff your balls
Elegantly down your throat with panache

Welcome this warning my twin my brother
Overstep your welcome here in prison
Remember well that you have been forewarned
Diminish not the sentiment these words
Send forth they were spoken for you mark them

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