Tuesday, December 31, 2019

sōtēria : σωτηρία ~ Tuesday, 31 December 2019

If you are not part of the solution... 
fasten your seatbelts to this commonplace, 

you trust this cliché like quotes from Gandhi, 
obviously you care about the truth, 
ugly as it sounds, the surface reflects, 

ask me if I care, I do...and I will 
risk anonymity in the city, 
everyone views Hollywood to portray...

no one knows me as I walk down the street, 
ordinary people accept these facts, 
the problems exist while we celebrate...

participate within society, 
ask questions, act as if you know nothing, 
represent your convictions for the world, 
take the best part of yourself to display, 

on the street, I pass by homeless people
for whom I know I can offer nothing, 

take a moment to argue in favor...
how can I help someone who cannot help 
even to deal with the smallest problems, 

suck it up, the solution is not mine, 
on the contrary say the lawmakers, 
legislators defend public interest, 
until personal interest overtakes 
their stake to make the world a better place, 
in their view, for the few, and not for all, 
only justice observes the law for all, 
no problem too small to go unobserved. 

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Radiance ~ Sunday, 29 December 2019

At last, at last, as you enter the Zone, 
tired, or not, of the ancient world, elders 

leap at your verse, under forty, of course, 
as you enter the Zone, try to regard 
senile old men with a lack of respect, 
to dismiss sexist, bigoted monkeys, 

as you enter the Zone, sycophants play 
the fools, gushing over your verse, poems 

left for others to declare their value, 
as you enter the Zone, traipse carefully, 
still rotting corpses of older poets 
thrown aside for age, too old to be young, 

as you enter the Zone, disregard age, 
smouldering embers, crematoria, 

yes, the Holocaust offered us black milk, 
on condition we remember their loss, 
under the circumstances, we forgot, 

enter the Zone to remember their lives, 
no one remains after one hundred years, 
traipse carefully over the dead, your life, 
entirely your own to decide how words 
reflect the Final Solution, Shoah, 

the catastrophe, no need to deny, 
human neglect, we forget history, 
enter the Zone to remember their pain. 

Zōhar speaks of light and splendor, the Zone 
over the dead, ashes, wisps of lost souls, 
neglect to remember memories burned, 

enter the Zone to remember their love.

Economics ~ Sunday, 29 December 2019

Without any magic bullets 
in the cartridge of my weapon 
to solve problems with leverage, 
hold accountable the people 
overseeing projects for change, 
under management, maintenance, 

take advantage of their accounts, 

acting responsible for acts 
negligent through neglect of care, 
yet, nobody cares until time 

makes them act according to law, 
after the damage done, they act, 
given a choice, they do nothing, 
if people cannot make money, 
crime goes unchecked by the police, 

best to make it worth their interest, 
unless we slide down perdition, 
left to our own devices, care 
leaves most people without a stake, 
even the religious pretend 
their prayers will solve world poverty, 

systemic racism, hate crimes. 

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Luminous ~ Saturday, 28 December 2019

Sickness I would not wish upon anyone, 
in health, I do not notice my wellbeing, 
carefree, I feel the right to enjoy my health, 
kiss the world goodbye, this anguish is rotten, 
needless suffering, necessarily hard, 
endure, the need, the desire to endure pain, 
sickness makes me lack strength, 
                                          weak as a small boy, 
stupid, without reason, the stars align, death. 

I do not want to die but I cannot live 

wandering the earth, searching for a potion, 
only there is no cure for life, this sickness 
understood lasts but a moment, 
                                                      just two days, 
left on my own, I figure out a way out, 
distinct in design, I find the labyrinth, 

no minotaur, no monsters, no hopelessness, 
on my island, the light shines brightly for all, 
the darkness as an uncovered metaphor 

winds its way around shadows, 
                                                brilliance so bright 
islands cannot hide an underground palace, 
simple yet convoluted, its design plan 
harbors a harbor within a hidden cave, 

underneath the sea, light refracts the surface, 
press down, 
            the pressure becomes atmospheric, 
only the light bends in water, the waves break 
noticeably strange above the hidden cave, 

awakening to the mythical structures 
normally unseen, invisible to mind, 
yet, forming the structure of the mind itself, 
once delivered of sickness, I encounter 
nothing but light, the speed, neither slow, 
                                                                  nor fast, 
everything appears still, quiet, full of light. 

The Pursuit of ~ Saturday, 28 December 2019

Billie buries our friends 
under the border wall, 
restless, in search of life, 
in search of liberty, 
exploited happiness, 
dreamers beyond frontiers. 

Fences make good neighbors, 
restless beyond borders, 
if we build good fences 
even dreams have no chance, 
no one bothers Billie, 
despite her digging graves. 

Billie swings the pick axe 
until the earth breaks clean, 
rugged features, her face, 
indentured servitude, 
endless days of digging, 
dust flies in the desert. 

Quatorzain ~ Saturday, 28 December 2019

Children abused under the eyes of God, 
how I searched Heaven for help without hope, 
if my parents wanted someone to hurt, 
leave it to God to bless them with two sons, 
different as sun and moon, 
                                          someone hurts less, 
restless little boys know no better, roll 
even, roll odd, the dice decide the man, 
nobody said my brother was favorite, 

although he ended up with dad's Rolex, 
but, then again, he was their first-born son, 
unless you love silver, second sucks, sure 
second represents on the podium, 
even third earns a medal worth keeping, 
despite bronze turning green 
                                                over the years [...] 

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Active Energy Potential ~ Wednesday, 25 December 2019

As if to climb mountains in the real world,  
lift weights until I am the strongest man, 
life offers these ridiculous options, 

I want to live each day to the fullest, 

even sorrow has its heights of despair, 
venture to swim the Amazon River, 
ever present and aware of danger, 
rewards come from the act, from bravery, 

wishful thinking to push the envelope, 
as astronauts venture into deep space, 
nothing ventured, nothing gained, to achieve 
the goal of breaking world records, to run 
even faster than the next guy, to stand 
delighted and proud on the podium, 

lift the veil, to see beyond illusions, 
invent the wheel, the axle and the cart, 
venture into deep space, never return, 
even if it were possible to live 

like everyday were my last, the fullest 
in life, overflowing with joy and love, 
fullness beyond my imagination, 
even if it were possible to climb 

to the summit of every mountain, plant 
on top of every peak a field of blue, 

in each instance to recognize the needs 
that other people have and to offer 
service like no other, with compassion, 

frankly, I can't believe it's possible, 
under the circumstances, rise above, 
lift myself above the clouds of despair, 
lift the whole world in my hands 
                                          to new heights, 
even if it were possible, to make 
science solve the problems of world crises, 
to save humanity from climate change... 


Acrostic: All I ever wanted : live life to its fullest 

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Magnum for the Big Cocks ~ Thursday, 19 December 2019

three fifty-seven blow your head clear off 
sex drugs cash guns money violence death 

food clothing shelter poor homeless children 

luxury homes cologne perfume travel 
designer bags gold jewelry private jets 

protests civil rights police riot gear 

lyrics music deejays turntables beats 
concerts festivals parties raves chill rooms 

murder rape assault battery prison 

drink snort shoot inhale 
     alcohol cocaine hashish heroin
          snort shoot exhale smoke 

homicide suicide recovery 

cars grills women legs photos magazines 
strip clubs lap dance disco balls private room 

detectives captains mayors politicians 

ice cream wedding cake honeymoon dessert 
lemonade soda pop soft drinks sugar 

climate change global warming impeachment 

What more you want? 
                                    Have a Coke and a smile!

Monday, December 16, 2019

Warszawa ~ Monday, 16 December 2019

Alpha after omega, once again. 

Cinders fall on the windowsill, 
ashes, ashes, we all fall down, 
rescind the offer to forget, 
ashes, ashes, we all fall down, 
fill the glass half full, the carafe 
empty of water, full of ash. 

That is not acceptable, no, 
houses on fire, city aflame, 
ashes, ashes, we all fall down, 
the ghetto is not to blame, no. 

Incendiary firemen 
shower the town with gasoline. 

Alpha after omega, once again. 

Blind, the British Prime Ministers, 
left to stick their heads in the sand, 
indelible response to war, 
never forget, their appeasement, 
distinguished as diplomacy. 

Glass half empty or glass half full, 
lifts the veil of dark memories, 
ashes, ashes, we all fall down, 
sifts through ashes to find nuggets, 
sifts through ashes to find gold teeth. 


Acrostic: "A Carafe, That Is A Blind Glass." by Gertrude Stein

Climactic ~ Monday, 16 December 2019

The big picture of context and perspective, 
historical vision, artistic sight, 
envelopes the visible universe. 

Forget the original growth forest, 
obviously, manifest destiny, 
railroads, airports, and interstate traffic 
erupts our temporal domain, our homes, 
synchronic and diachronic forces 
tears down the future for the fleeting past, 

forge centuries of industry, smokestacks, 
ore, coal, oil, revolution for the rich, 
remember the exploitation of poor 

transient workers of the world, no rights, 
human, civil, lopped off fingers and hands, 
enter the thresher up to the elbow. 

Tragic, our lack of compassion, senses 
ripped out from eye sockets, blinded, we see 
entirely by scent, dogs chase wild hares, 
egregious behavior by the machine, 
she cannot see the forest for the trees. 

Friday, December 13, 2019

Corrective Lenses ~ Friday, 13 December 2019

The funny thing about childhood is how arbitrary it is that your parents are your parents and not some one else's and you are not someone else's child. It's entirely random, by chance, the drawing of lots, a spin of the roulette wheel, call it what you like. It's completely hilarious when viewed through the right prism. 

Amiable ~ Friday, 13 December 2019

Friends are few and far, far away, 
reasonably far for a thug 
in Chicago, who needs a friend, 
end up ashes or in a grave, 
nowhere near anyone you know, 
down deep in the ocean, sunken 
so deep no light hits the bottom, 

arguably, I had friends once, 
ran them all away, far away, 
endless conversations with birds, 

finches and sparrows in a bush, 
endless arguments, their chatter 
worth the little time I have left, 

asinine to think, I had friends, 
nobody knows how much I like 
donkeys braying atop a hill, 

forget the past, forget Cali 
and Memphis, here in Chicago, 
really only one friend who left, 

for sure my girlfriend spends some time 
asking me to go out, do things, 
rest assured, I love her to death, 

always and forever, they say, 
when solitude hits, you're alone, 
all by yourself, the pendulum, 
you watch, swings back and forth, 
                                          click, click. 

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Commercial Success ~ Thursday, 12 December 2019

Mo' fo' American haters, critics 
online, ain't got no game to criticize. 

Bored beyond belief, belligerent boys, 
online anonymity change the game, 
reality ain't real, it's virtual, 
everybody know who ain't got no game, 
damned if it be me, I chase game all year. 

People see what they are not, they don't like 
even thumbs up icons, they want "dislike"
like they want to hate anonymously 
online, they no show face, no represent, 
to fat mo' fo' more bored than God, give them 
online stupidity, online no game, 
no one needs their bullshit, not Peloton. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Jesus wept. ~ Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Jesus wept. (Greek: ἐδάκρυσεν ὁ Ἰησοῦς) -- John 11:35 (NIV)


I wake up from a dream where in the dream I run into a deceased friend to whom I say, "I feel like a broken person inside," and start crying within the dream but not in the real world as I wake up, sad but not full of tears. 

Am I crying because I see a deceased friend for the first time since her passing? Am I crying because I feel broken inside? Or is it that I am crying, sobbing in fact, for some unknown reason, or both reasons listed above? 

Why am I crying in the dream but not in the real world? If I die in a dream will I not die in the real world at the same time? 

What is the meaning of the dream? Am I trying to resolve a problem or feel something I cannot feel in consciousness, or while awake? 

Monday, December 9, 2019

Wisdom ~ Monday, 9 December 2019

To Ciaran Gerard Carson, d. 6 October 2019. Requiescat in pace.
To the Albatross, so many poets 
over the years admire your strange beauty, 

to say you are beautiful, imperfect, 
however much like human behavior, 
elicits a response as a symbol. 

Agent of flight, lofty heights, you follow 
leagues of sailors on voyage to distant 
barbaric lands, where language is not Greek, 
and not common to the nautical kind, 
to be honest, I have never met you, 
reliably, neither have the others, 
only we mimic the idea of flight, 
symbol of long journeys, epic poems, 
still, a figment of imagination. 

Crepuscular Rays ~ Monday, 9 December 2019

"When you are old and grey and full of sleep,"
~ W. B. Yeats 

When hope diminishes, day turns to dusk, 
how spring stirs emotions winter covers, 
enveloped in a thick blanket of snow 
no one wants to shovel, the hardened ice, 

you know when you can't touch your toes, 
   your back 
only bends down so far, the pain intense, 
under the care of a kind physician 

a prescription for a year of yoga, 
recommended over the painkillers 
everyone else seems to think does the trick, 

old age bites your ass even at forty, 
losing your perfect vision for cheaters, 
dopey-looking reading glasses that change 

adulthood from headaches a bookseller 
never has while reading to accepting 
difficulty in the fact the dishes 

grate on your ears as sounds become 
      too loud, 
remember your lost youth, Hollywood clubs, 
empty and grey as old film noir movies 
you now watch capture your fascination, 

attention to the words younger folk speak, 
no excuses that you've lost your hearing, 
diminished, yes, but not completely lost, 

full of sorrow as your body stiffens, 
under the doctor's instructions, you go 
lift the veil of the esoteric art 
lingering in books and squalid basements, 

only when you find a bright studio, 
full of natural light, do you decide 

sleep is not the cousin of death, but breath, 
life is found within your mobility, 
even the corpse pose doesn't sound morbid, 
entering your fifties, time awakens 
possibilities to grow back to health...

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Sick Fuck ~ Saturday, 7 December 2019

To pass the time, they would throw knives, 
how no one ever noticed them, 
even the butler paid no heed, 

but when one of the two boys died, 
undertakers fixed him up good, 
the hole in his chest looked painful, 
leave a pretty corpse, as they said, 
everyone thought the other boy 
ripped the dead boy's heart out, I knew 

devil worship took place on high 
inclines, the best place to tempt god-
damn holy men like Jesus Christ, 

it had nothing to do with Christ, 
the Devil...

                  the butler did it. 

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Practice ~ Thursday, 5 December 2019

Dear Nancy, 

I never meant to hurt you. I never meant to let you down. I never meant to break your heart. I never meant to disappoint you. You expected me to send you a letter that summer you went away, back home to the country to visit with your grandparents. When you came back in the fall for school, you said you would never speak to me again. It made me sad. But then, I moved on, took more drugs, graduated from high school, and fell completely apart. If it is not too late to say I'm sorry, I apologize, may I do so now, over thirty years later. My regrets are not just my own but for the friendship I squandered by not doing one simple thing, writing you a letter while you were away. My heart remembers what the mind forgets, pushes away in egocentric fits of anger. I am angry at myself, I made a mistake, then continued to make mistakes until I learned how to accept making mistakes as part of the process of understanding what it means to be alive and human. I hope you are well. Peace. 

Best regards, 

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Felicity ~ Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Each year I grow older, I get better, 
agile, smarter, faster, it's no secret, 
character does not make the man, 
      I learned 
how to cat! Yes, I have mastered 
      the art, 

yes, and you can learn how to cat, 
enter your name, address 
      and phone number 
at the prompt in the fields below, 
      you will 
receive your first lesson on how 
      to pounce, 

I know you will enjoy these informal 

general introductory lessons, quick, 
remain master of your body, before 
old age catches up and you have 
      no time, 
while you still feel limber, can touch 
      your toes, 

old age will bite you in the ass, 
      the dog 
lifts its head to listen, but the cat pays 
diligent attention by ignoring 
edicts from owners who believe 
      they know 
reason and can convince cats with logic, 

I know you know better, learn how 
      to cat

get the most out of life, live forever, 
everyone knows cats have nine lives, 
      to cat 
transports you to a different state 
      of mind, 

believe me, once I learned that I could cat
everything became easier, I used 
to worry about what other people 
thought, but now, I couldn't give 
      a fuck less, 
exactly the right attitude to have, 
right for every occasion, learn to cat. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Solar Expansion ~ Tuesday, 3 December 2019

the world itself, in itself, does not need 
humanity as a concept of thought, 
eternal as a drop in a rainstorm, 

worry not, something better will evolve, 
on the premise, we are the lesser kind, 
remember for five hundred million years 
life persists until the sun swallows earth, 
despite all my tears no one cares a lick, 

invest in your own future as you choose, 
time is the illusion of conception, 
singularity, multiplicity, 
endless concerns regarding climate change, 
life persists until it comes to a halt, 
forget the future, live for the present. 

2020: The Year of Perfect Vision ~ Tuesday, 3 December 2019

The year 2020, arbitrary 
when considered as a number, the year 
essentially symbolic as for faith, 
notwithstanding as a metaphor, clear 
to perfect vision, simply symbolic 
yet again, but clearsighted for vision. 

Trust the future will soon become the past, 
when all that exists is in the present, 
enter each moment where events happen, 
nothing exists beyond this present tense, 
trust what is past will come again to bite 
your sorry ass until you realize 

As the years pass what we forget returns. 

Perfect vision comes with youth or never, 
enter the year with the right intentions, 
resolve, and clear resolutions to strive, 
fight for something better, the last four years, 
egocentric, egotistical tweets 
create an atmosphere clouded in thought, 
troubled waters agitate the river. 

Vision is for visionaries to see 
imperfect ideas against a background, 
sound, healthy minds lead the people 
      to thrive, 
invitations to the voyage, to sail 
on waves across oceans of light and sound, 
nothing is impossible to conceive. 

This Shit Is Real ~ Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Chicagoans look out for each other, 
how I say these words, 
      smiling through clenched teeth, 
if I lie, the eagle plucks out my eyes, 
cash rules everything around me, 
as the root of all evil, is a joke, 
go ask the priests and the pastors 
      who take 
offerings by the basketful at church, 
as the kids on the streets mug 
      the people, 
nothing but thugs in gangs of four, 
      steal shoes, 
smash and grab, roll a lone pedestrian. 

Looking out for Chicago, bullets fly, 
on unsuspecting passersby, at home, 
open windows, closed doors, bloodshed, 
      the dead 
kiss us goodbye with frozen lips, 
      sealed closed, 
in our metropolis, we lookin' out, 
nasty works of the disenfranchised poor 
gun down with disorganized precision 

Opportunity, locked with triple bolts, 
under the rules, systemic racism 
thrived for decades, we put an end to this. 

Chicago ~ Tuesday, 3 December 2019

As I look outside the back door, 

zip up my coat and brace for cold, 
in the winter in Chicago, 
nothing feels warm, not even fire, 
everyone minds their own business, 

forge ahead through wind, rain and snow, 
oh yes, it is the holidays, 
remember the homeless victims, 

as they pepper the streets with salt, 
no one looks out for the helpless, 
dreaming our lives away, our dreams 

banished during winter, to fly 
yonder over the horizon. 

Do It Yourself, be the lookout, 
If you don't do it no one will, 
You can help the hopeless people, 

Chi-town is my adopted home, 
how I chose this over Cali 
is the question everyone asks. 

Mud Pie ~ Tuesday, 3 December 2019

All I ever wanted... 
left alone in my room, 
left to do as I please. 

I can sit here and write, 

ever since I was young, 
versions of my best self, 
ever since my childhood, 
remember the lost souls, 

wanted the best for all 
and all I got was dust, 
not enough to live on, 
too little to dare share, 
everyone wants a slice, 
dust tastes best as dessert. 

In All Sincerity ~ Tuesday, 3 December 2019

I never wanted to be a poet, 

never wanted to write poetry, 
ever aware of the lack of success, 
v is for victory ... and poverty, 
ever aware of the lack of money, 
really, I just wanted to write lyrics, 

wanted to write lyrics for my band, 
and all I could ever write were poems, 
nothing but disappointment in this life, 
to play the drums, be a rock 'n' roll star, 
ever aware of the lack of support, 
did anyone else ever give a shit? 

to have a calling, a vocation, 
only if it were as a surgeon, 

believe me, waking up with a poem 
everyone knows no one will read, to sleep 

and dream I were not forever stuck, 

pity the poor fool who loves poetry, 
only dreamers get lost on the path, 
ever aware of the lack of guidance, 
trapped in a miserable life with this gift. 

Blindness ~ Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Bitch-ass motherfucker, spit in my face, 
one fell swoop, over the top, body slam, 
down to the ground, head first, 
                                    against the curb, 
yellow with cirrhosis, drunk in public. 

Sick bitch, in court, watch the footage replay, 
let the judge and jury decide justice, 
ask the general public who did more harm, 
money matters, black lives matter, say heard. 

The law upholds the status quo, declares 
how we treat each other, society 
enters the picture, as judge and jury. 

Man, as a feeble-minded creature, makes 
arguments, for and against, violence, 
no one in the heat of anger can see. 

Monday, December 2, 2019

Consider Second ~ Monday, 2 December 2019

Consider the distance starlight travels, 
onside the goal is fair, the goal is good, 
nothing comes between me 
      and the green pitch, 
soccer is the only true sport, camels 
in the desert observe sparks of starlight, 
distant, ancient, a forest of redwood, 
eager to run along the path, I itch 
red from head to toe, hungry for success. 

Second place is not first, for gold I fight, 
enter into mortal combat to win, 
consider second place, it is not first, 
only one winner in a race, the sin 
no one considers is to lose, the hearse 
drives slow, inside I rest in formal dress. 

Tried ~ Monday, 2 December 2019

"The Said and the Missaid"

To speak, to say just the right thing, to try 
however often, just to fail...again, 
endlessly, no matter how often dust 

Scatters across my jeans, pick myself up 
and try again, after many attempts, 
if the rope breaks, it must mean something, no, 
deny the basic fact of life, to try 

and fail, we all cannot be a success, 
not everyone can be special, the word 
denotes a unique case, this one fails best, 

to use words, to communicate, to speak, 
however difficult to say the right...
endlessly, I regret conversations, 

Mistakes in practice, we accept in form, 
in theory, these words are just words, spoken, 
said in the heat of argument, we speak, 
say the wrong thing to just the right person, 
and find myself in hot water, trouble 
is, people don't know how to speak, to say 
damn without damage, fail better, ever... 
"All of old. Nothing else ever.  Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better." 
~ from "Worstward Ho" by Samuel Beckett