Saturday, December 28, 2019

Luminous ~ Saturday, 28 December 2019

Sickness I would not wish upon anyone, 
in health, I do not notice my wellbeing, 
carefree, I feel the right to enjoy my health, 
kiss the world goodbye, this anguish is rotten, 
needless suffering, necessarily hard, 
endure, the need, the desire to endure pain, 
sickness makes me lack strength, 
                                          weak as a small boy, 
stupid, without reason, the stars align, death. 

I do not want to die but I cannot live 

wandering the earth, searching for a potion, 
only there is no cure for life, this sickness 
understood lasts but a moment, 
                                                      just two days, 
left on my own, I figure out a way out, 
distinct in design, I find the labyrinth, 

no minotaur, no monsters, no hopelessness, 
on my island, the light shines brightly for all, 
the darkness as an uncovered metaphor 

winds its way around shadows, 
                                                brilliance so bright 
islands cannot hide an underground palace, 
simple yet convoluted, its design plan 
harbors a harbor within a hidden cave, 

underneath the sea, light refracts the surface, 
press down, 
            the pressure becomes atmospheric, 
only the light bends in water, the waves break 
noticeably strange above the hidden cave, 

awakening to the mythical structures 
normally unseen, invisible to mind, 
yet, forming the structure of the mind itself, 
once delivered of sickness, I encounter 
nothing but light, the speed, neither slow, 
                                                                  nor fast, 
everything appears still, quiet, full of light. 

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