Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Chicago ~ Tuesday, 3 December 2019

As I look outside the back door, 

zip up my coat and brace for cold, 
in the winter in Chicago, 
nothing feels warm, not even fire, 
everyone minds their own business, 

forge ahead through wind, rain and snow, 
oh yes, it is the holidays, 
remember the homeless victims, 

as they pepper the streets with salt, 
no one looks out for the helpless, 
dreaming our lives away, our dreams 

banished during winter, to fly 
yonder over the horizon. 

Do It Yourself, be the lookout, 
If you don't do it no one will, 
You can help the hopeless people, 

Chi-town is my adopted home, 
how I chose this over Cali 
is the question everyone asks. 

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