Tuesday, December 3, 2019

2020: The Year of Perfect Vision ~ Tuesday, 3 December 2019

The year 2020, arbitrary 
when considered as a number, the year 
essentially symbolic as for faith, 
notwithstanding as a metaphor, clear 
to perfect vision, simply symbolic 
yet again, but clearsighted for vision. 

Trust the future will soon become the past, 
when all that exists is in the present, 
enter each moment where events happen, 
nothing exists beyond this present tense, 
trust what is past will come again to bite 
your sorry ass until you realize 

As the years pass what we forget returns. 

Perfect vision comes with youth or never, 
enter the year with the right intentions, 
resolve, and clear resolutions to strive, 
fight for something better, the last four years, 
egocentric, egotistical tweets 
create an atmosphere clouded in thought, 
troubled waters agitate the river. 

Vision is for visionaries to see 
imperfect ideas against a background, 
sound, healthy minds lead the people 
      to thrive, 
invitations to the voyage, to sail 
on waves across oceans of light and sound, 
nothing is impossible to conceive. 

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