Sunday, December 29, 2019

Radiance ~ Sunday, 29 December 2019

At last, at last, as you enter the Zone, 
tired, or not, of the ancient world, elders 

leap at your verse, under forty, of course, 
as you enter the Zone, try to regard 
senile old men with a lack of respect, 
to dismiss sexist, bigoted monkeys, 

as you enter the Zone, sycophants play 
the fools, gushing over your verse, poems 

left for others to declare their value, 
as you enter the Zone, traipse carefully, 
still rotting corpses of older poets 
thrown aside for age, too old to be young, 

as you enter the Zone, disregard age, 
smouldering embers, crematoria, 

yes, the Holocaust offered us black milk, 
on condition we remember their loss, 
under the circumstances, we forgot, 

enter the Zone to remember their lives, 
no one remains after one hundred years, 
traipse carefully over the dead, your life, 
entirely your own to decide how words 
reflect the Final Solution, Shoah, 

the catastrophe, no need to deny, 
human neglect, we forget history, 
enter the Zone to remember their pain. 

Zōhar speaks of light and splendor, the Zone 
over the dead, ashes, wisps of lost souls, 
neglect to remember memories burned, 

enter the Zone to remember their love.

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