Friday, May 31, 2019

Performance ~ Friday, 31 May 2019

Freckles the Clown walks into the limelight, 
right before he enters, someone trips him, 
entertaining children the world around, 
creating the image of a drunk night, 
king of the stage, Freckles was fat, but slim, 
layers of costume made him appear round, 
everytime he went on stage, the same thing, 
stumbling before the crowd, he sets the sting, 

telling the audience about his face, 
how long it takes to apply clown makeup, 
endless chatter, as three other clowns ride 

Chariot tricycles without much grace, 
letting the audience in on his life 
of entertainment, helps fill a tin cup 
with coins for charity, he hopes his wife, 
nurse practitioner, Betty, takes his side, 

while doing his spiel, Freckles juggles balls 
and rings and bowling pins, but never knives, 
little does anyone know how she met 
king of the stage, Freckles the Clown, but wives 
speak rarely about love, he tells the tale, 

inspired as a boy to throw knives, he falls, 
not once but twice, in the orchestra pit, 
the first time he slipped by mistake, the shoes, 
oversized, on his feet, made him clumsy, 

taken to the hospital, Betty set 
him straight, Freckles found love, without fail, 
even the second time, Nurse Betty bit 

lightning, seeing him in emergency, 
in time, she grew to love a clown, the news 
made the headlines at the circus, crowds came 
every night just to hear Freckles' story, 
little did he know how "Betty" became, 
in his mind, the audience favorite act, 
ghosts rarely appear, nor do they react, 
however, Freckles' story, a gory 
tale of throwing knives, never hit the stage. 

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Martial ~ Thursday, 30 May 2019

Perhaps, I was born mad, insane since birth, 
everyone knows I'm not right in the head, 
relatively speaking, salt is my worth, 
however, no one speaks what is unsaid, 
as I grew older, excuses were made, 
perhaps it was the drugs he took in school, 
somehow, I learned enough to make the grade, 

I was quiet and shy, not really cool, 

when I was off my rocker, funny things 
actually took place, howling at the moon, 
stark naked, on the roof of my friend's house, 

banished from sane people, I met my spouse, 
on the eve of college graduation, 
remember when I worked at the bookstore, 
nobody knew I flew with giant wings, 

madness came at eighteen, and then twenty, 
asylum-bound at twenty-one, too soon, 
despite my birthday in June, to fly south, 

indeed, I found myself trapped in Memphis, 
no one denied the insinuation, 
sanity was for the healthy and strong, 
as to my mind, I was under the floor, 
no one could say I didn't know plenty, 
even though, the drivel spewed from my mouth, 

slobber, as an infant, ignorant, bliss, 
in many ways, I knew just what was wrong, 
no one believed in me, right from the start, 
carry the hero by the ankle, dunk 
everything but his heel in the river, 

before my birth, they meant to deliver 
in the hospital in Bombay, a boy 
reasonable enough to keep a drunk 
ten feet away, with a pole, such an art, 

however smart, begs for a better toy.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Apostasy ~ Friday, 24 May 2019

The wordless word, by nature, indescribable, is without name and beyond all categories, imagined and wished for as real, yet forever unknown, a thought beyond understanding, beyond comprehension, hopelessly inconceivable, pointed at by witless theologians, but everyone knows the story of the finger pointing towards the moon, we are so far removed, we have never witnessed phenomena like this in our cosmic apprehension, entirely insensible, still we 'feel' its presence, we equivocate before such absurdity, prevaricate like crows along the proverbial fence, we argue until death we know the truth of the matter, however the wordless word is utterly meaningless, though ubiquitous in usage, sometimes we call it God.

Philomela ~ Friday, 24 May 2019

In a world, where an unreliable narrator keeps silent, watching without comment; as if her words, her unspoken oratory, would help piece together a story that doesn't make sense; we stand to understand nothing except, unhappiness misbegotten, emptiness in the souls of false lovers, and the cool demeanor of wanton violence. The voice of a victim of rape counts for nothing in our society, weightless as the song of a nightingale. It is the state who cuts her tongue out of her mouth; speechless and traumatized, no one warrants her story against her perpetrators. She is the symbol of repression and male privilege and entitlement. The courts cannot help her obtain justice for what is the equivalent? Castration only stops the act of rape, but does not deter other men from performing such acts. Who would ever believe her speechlessness? Not even Cassandra!

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Pivot ~ Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Strange, is it not, how a word like 'level' 
teeters in the balance on a fulcrum, 
ready to tip to one side, where a French 
article holds its place, or the other, 
notably held in check by a suffix,  
given for names in Hebrew, that means 'God', 
even the letter 'v' is upsilon 

in Greek, used on a Corinthian vase, 
simply used as an ancient majuscule 

in print, within the name for Perseus (ΠΕΡΣΕVΣ), 
take a moment to sit and breathe in words, 

nothing is constructed simply by chance, 
obviously, quirks in English exist, 
transforming words into visual puns, 

humans enjoy these language games, as words 
overflow from our brains, to roll off tongues, 
words create our very world, as one mind, 

argue you are an individual, 

watch me not raise a fuss, I stay level, 
only to realize, we fight one mind, 
rest in this equanimity, my friend, 
despite all the distractions presented, 

level up in contemplation, this world, 
illusory, until you regard mind, 
kindred spirits on this ephemeral, 
enigmatic planet, where mind plays games, 

liquid as water, a natural state, 
effective to destroy, erode, or shape, 
vulnerable, we wait for storms to pass, 
enter the mind, one with phenomena, 
level-headed, calm, ready to respond. 

Monday, May 13, 2019

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Pace ~ Saturday, 11 May 2019

How to run a marathon in 118 minutes flat, or die trying. Such is the task of the sub-2 hours club. Because breaking 120 minutes is simply not competitive enough, we made the math simple. Run 4 minute 30 second mile splits for 26.219 miles and you've done it. 

Just do it. Wussy. 

Friday, May 10, 2019

Shuffle ~ Friday, 10 May 2019

I wait with the others, we toe the line, 

we wait for the starter's pistol, a horn, 
as good a substitute as a gun blast, 
in the interim, we listen to songs, 
to someone sing the national anthem, 

we take off our caps, a sign of respect, 
is this really a symbol of respect, 
to bare and bow our heads, to sing along, 
holler as we do at the end, the phrase 

"the home of the brave," somehow makes us cheer, 
home is anywhere I can rest my head, 
even "the land of the free," chokes us up, 

only, I do not feel free in this land, 
to criticize, perhaps, freely, yes, true, 
however, this land was never my home, 
even though, I rest my head here, yes, true, 
really, I am the son of immigrants, 
simply never given the choice to leave, 

we toe the line before the race, runners, 
every man, woman, and child for themselves, 

this is a road race, not a sinking ship, 
on that note, as runners, competition 
elicits empathy for the fallen, 

to help each other get back up and run, 
humans remain compassionate, humane, 
even in the chaos of a road race, 

lip service is all I choose to offer, 
if I kneel, in respect for the fallen, 
no one would respect that sign of respect, 
even if, my one brother were shot dead. 

Accountability ~ Friday, 10 May 2019

"...what it means to be black in white America."

what I cannot presume to know, 
however much, at times, I feel 
as if, as if I fit in with both black and white, 
truly, I know nothing, I know neither, 

if I understand one small thing, 
that thing... being... America, 

means neither black nor white, 
even the notion of America, 
as a country, as a nation, means nothing more, 
nothing more than murder, rape, genocide, 
still, black and white fight for their rights, 

to laugh at the perpetrators, their descendants, 
only means to laugh at myself, a descendant, 

bemoan the Age of Discovery, the Age of Exploration, 
enter the Age of Revisionist History, 

black, as the tribes of Africa, 
lacking knowledge of their own tribe, 
as the centuries pass, we create a people, 
create a tribe of uncertain background, 
kissing cousins killing their long lost kin, 

indigenous is not a recognized people, 
native before Europeans brought diseases, 

wonders never cease to amaze the dimwitted fools, descendants, 
however, to their benefit, they allowed poverty,  
in the lands of the First People, 
to flourish while they got rich by exploitation, 
even today, the white descendants show 

American pride as their own, 
make foreigners believe they are the best, 
even as they indoctrinate children, 
ready to feel no remorse or regret, no shame 
in the fact, they benefited from suffering, 
culpability is not an American value, 
accountability is not a concept that applies to them.

Randomness ~ Friday, 10 May 2019

I could have grown up anywhere, 

could have been just like you, 
only, I could only be me, 
until I realized that fact, 
little could be done to help me, 
despite how much everyone tried, 

however much they tried, 
as much as they loved me, 
very, very much, so they said, 
everyone had to disappear, 

great was the sorrow in my heart, 
raised in a beach town, Paradise, 
only my ancestors knew otherwise, 
wise in old age, they were all dead, 
no one at all could help me now, 

under these circumstances, I suffered, 
pretending Paradise was great, 

after I turned fifty, I knew I may never return, 
never see the land of my birth, 
yet, I could have been born...
where, anywhere, to anyone, 
however, I would still be me, 
even though, I could have been just like you, 
really, it doesn't matter who I am, 

even though, long ago, I was born a Goan. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Levinas ~ Wednesday, 8 May 2019

In the face to face encounter with the other, the absolute other, 
not friend, nor enemy, not foe, no one we know, someone without a name 

that demands our respect, that begs recognition as a human being, 
her value precedes her presence, before she asks us to honor her place, 
elicit a response to accept or reject, recognize or deny, 

forget about ethics as written on pages of philosophy books, 
as we understand good and evil, right and wrong, the heat of the moment 
conditions our actions into learned behaviors, we need to overcome 
evidence of anger, resentment or hatred, deep-seated and hidden, 

to remember the past is not enough, the face we see before us leaves, 
otherwise than being, or beyond essence, seek to choose the way of truth, 

faced with an encounter, our choices and actions reveal our true nature, 
as we are conditioned by our cultural past, we may have learned to act 
callously to others, others we do not know, those we will never meet, 
encounters demand depth of appreciation, these moments disappear, 

endlessly appearing in another moment, until we turn over 
new leaves, we turn a page in the book of our lives, we learn to love ourselves, 
conditioned to choose hate over love for others, others we do not know, 
only complicates acts of aggression, hatred, violence, injustice, 
until we bow deeply before our reflection, we must accept others 
not as ourselves, but real appearances of life in its complexity, 
to admit to ourselves that we harbor ill-will for no good reason, truth 
enfolds within our spines, the humility found in the books of the wise, 
remembering our past, how we have been maligned, and, in turn, harmed others 

will not help us to face the other with kindness, the heat of the moment 
in fact raises the stakes to act as moral rods before the lightning strikes, 
take it not for granted I preach before the choir, to seek humility, 
honestly, takes courage even a lion lacks, we may be animals 

to devour each other in times of peace and war, for what reason, power, 
humans seek out control, to maintain the order they create for themselves, 
evidently, we love or hate as animals, political machines, 

only the encounter with the other opens a path to salvation, 
this saving grace to life is the only difference between the animals, 
hunters of living prey, and ourselves as human, as sentient beings, 
even the animals are more humane than us at times with the other, 
remain open to change, to hurt from the inside, because humility 

tears our egos to shreds, removes our false swagger, attends to the conscience, 
humility demands we polish a roof tile to see our reflection, 
enter the house of fun where images aren't real and the exit unknown, 

absolution arrives by cleansing the conscience of past misdeeds, accept 
blindly the faith I preach, vultures circle above, my corpse awaits their feast, 
seek not meaning in life, but to overcome fear, the fear of the other, 
only the encounter allows us to witness ourselves outside ourselves, 
look back on the moment, learn from mistakes, lessons not to repeat again, 
understand, we return again and again, learn, or make the same mistake 
time and again, vultures circle as do ideas, they follow the same path, 
encircle the spiral, a gyre or a helix doubled, to rise or fall, 

only the encounter reveals to us the truth, the truth we cannot speak, 
truth resides in the face of the other, we seek only our reflection, 
however, truth remains beyond appearances, beyond ideas of self, 
exactly when we hear the wind whistle through trees, without form we arrive, 
remember the future is full of past mistakes, accept humility. 

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Rumble ~ Sunday, 5 May 2019

Purrball and the Motörkitty awoke 
under the stars, somewhere in a cornfield, 
rough sleeping with fellow travelers made 
riding in a tour bus never much fun, 
but they made the best with broken eggshells 
and cold coffee for breakfast everyday, 
left to their own devices, the ladies 
learned to cook scrambled eggs on a stovetop, 

after many years on the road, Purrball 
noticed that the life of a musician, 
despite the notoriety of cool, 

took its toll on the twin sisters, she spoke, 
however, in hushed tones when her sibling 
entered the Class A Diesel Horizon. 

Motörkitty played bass like her hero 
of legend, Ian Fraser Kilmister, 
to metalheads around the world, Lemmy 
of Motörhead, was simply known as God, 
resulting in four decades of music, 
kissed by countless adoring fans, his voice 
imbued their sound with a rasp none could teach, 
terrified as a child, Motörkitty 
took to whiskey to develop her voice, 
yet, she sounded more like Janis Joplin, 

after that night in the cornfield, Purrball 
went back to sleep in the Winnebago, 
only she felt she needed a long rest, 
killing time before time killed her, meant time, 
endless in novel invention, must stop.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Zugzwang ~ Saturday, 4 May 2019

Between you and me, they haven't a chance, 
remember, this is high stakes politics, 
even if the elections were not rigged, 
and the Electoral College not bribed, 
killing the President is just plain wrong, 
in this day and age, at least, with no war, 
no collusion, to speak of directly, 
granting him clemency would boost morale, 

take Nixon, for instance, if he rotted, 
however long in jail, without pardon, 
everyone would live in fear of prison. 

Forget the fact, the President had lied, 
only that clamshell, Putin, knew the truth, 
under no pressure to inform the world, 
really, do you think an ex-KGB 
tight-lipped security organizer, 
however skilled in judo, would speak up? 

We know the former President did not 
act wilfully to subvert the nation, 
left to his own devices, he advised 
legal counsel to disregard endgame. 

Friday, May 3, 2019

Moksha ~ Friday, 3 May 2019

I meant nothing to them, through no fault of my own, the second born, worthless, 

maybe I'm wrong, my faults mounted over the years, to compare, he was great, 
even if I was not corrupt from birth, it seems, from their own point of view, 
a lousy kid, a thief, a liar, a card cheat, would amount to nothing, 
nothing from nothing comes, it was necessary to unlearn my childhood, 
to contemplate my past to efface its effects on my life forever, 

no one knew who I was, a kid who needed love, attention, not beatings, 
only a child suffers corporal punishment, everyone else forgets 
the knife over my wrist, threats to cut off my hands, until the tears tumbled, 
how could I trust, and whom, nobody had a clue, not even my best friends, 
in fact, I was quiet, shy, rarely talkative, always inside my head, 
nothing but terrified to speak the truth to friends, their families knew nothing, 
given my history, I learned to lie to one and all, even myself, 

therapy in college came during my first year, in tears without a clue, 
only my family found me to blame, my health declined, I lost my mind, 

they said it was the drugs I took while in high school, diagnoses were wrong, 
how little time they took to label me for life, idiots called doctors, 
enter psychiatry, categories, labels, pigeon holes, lightning fast, 
mental health workers need help doing their job well with diagnoses, 

though my parents blamed me for my mistakes, they took me in after my stay, 
however nothing changed, I still walked on eggshells with the alcoholic, 
remind me how insane people act when drinking, I work in a nightclub, 
only now, at fifty, I look back knowingly, at how stupid they were, 
understanding the mind, my parents were not well equipped to handle kids, 
given their own background, growing up in Kenya, psychology was not 
human behavior, but why the Mau Mau hated British rule from abroad, 

nothing but the parties in the Gymkhana made sense to my own parents, 
only, I was not born yet, not in Nairobi, my father and brother 

found kinship in birthplace, in addition to blood, I was the outsider, 
as I was born neither in Goa, like my mom, nor in East Africa, 
until I realized, after my father's death, their contempt for my life, 
little had I been told until mom and I fought, and she spoke words of truth, 
that my brother, first born, had a choice to let go of his kinship with me, 

only I never knew, everything was secret, hidden from even me, 
father and mother were a united front in all their family affairs, 

my life meant nothing, but still I became withdrawn, I trusted nobody, 
yes, instinct took over, I learned to trust my gut, over their opinions, 

only, I learned to be non-judgmental, to act with acceptance, to hurt, 
windows to the soul, eyes cried tears for many years, then stopped, except for films, 
no one knew I suffered, but I then understood we all suffer in life, 

taught to identify suffering in all forms, I learned about distress, 
however, I stumble still, as I interact with strangers, their anger 
elicits emotions from childhood, I react to their taunts, to their words, 

shallow the grave I pass, it is my own childhood, tortured, murdered, buried, 
even today, I look back in wonder and think, imagine who I was, 
conditions affect lives in strange ways, I channeled my pain through poetry, 
on a cushion, I sit in meditation, breathe, let the thoughts come and go, 
nothing but clouds passing, context and perspective, I became an artist, 
drawing out of the well of sorrow, the water tasted mournful and sad, 

bad children still become great people who love life, but their lives are tarnished, 
only cleansing the soul of bad faith in conscience can someone learn to grow, 
religion was no fix for me, I left the Church at twenty to find truth, 
nowhere is certainty found outside the senses, I found the truth within, 

will, determination, and strength of character released in me, Spirit, 
ordinary language cannot convey in words this phenomenon, pain 
released Spirit to guide and instruct my actions, like the daimonion 
that Socrates observed, long ago, to warn him, how to act ethical, 
honesty is never enough, to walk the path with open eyes, to see, 
listen, let others speak, this is how Spirit talks, something strikes me as strange, 
even if I could start all over from the start with the knowledge I have, 
still, I would have to live this life, experience pain, sorrow, suffering, 
somehow, it would not help, I am just who I am, a man born in Bombay.