Tuesday, August 18, 2020

While the Others Stand There Watching Me Die ~ Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Before November, no one knew nothing, 
eventually news broke before Christmas, 
first, no one believed it could happen here, 
of course, we would be spared the tragedy 
repeated in hot zones around the world, 
except, the illness needed no passport. 

No border guard could prevent the virus 
of entering our nation by airline, 
virtually every time in the past 
each version of the illness came this way, 
maybe we could have foreseen this crisis 
before it was a global pandemic, 
except worst-case scenario vision 
relies on hindsight as twenty/twenty. 

No one can see the future exactly, 
only guess how diseases can evolve. 

On that assumption, we provide a plan, 
next to no one observes the protocols, 
even the President acts ignorant. 

Killing his constituents with neglect, 
nobody can hold him accountable, 
even if he is not above the law, 
we watch justice crumble under his reign. 

Nobody answers for the violence, 
only children keep getting shot, murdered, 
these random acts of injustice allow 
harbingers to herald a new era, 
if looting and murder are summer games, 
no one understands where the police stand, 
given at least one kneels upon my neck. 

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